<BillingProvider />
<BillingProvider />
is used to provide a state to billing so that it can store data accross your app's components.
See wrap your app to see how to use this component in your app.
interface Props {
// your stripe account id "acct_..."
stripeAccount: string
// switch billing between test and live mode.
liveMode?: boolean // default false (test mode)
// Additional options
options?: BillingOptions
// called when Billing has to sign out the user (ex: after transferring the account)
onCustomerSignedOut: () => void // default empty function
// called when the user has to sign in to pay
onCustomerSignedIn: () => void // default empty function
// Called when an error occurs
onError?: (error: Error) => void // default empty function
interface BillingOptions {
// used to redirect the user when they want to
// update their subscription or add a new subscription
productPageUrl?: string // default "/pricing"
// used to redirect the user from the pricing page when
// they have an active subscription
customerPortalUrl?: string // default ""
// used for the terms and conditions link in the payment modal
termsAndConditionsUrl?: string // default "/terms"
// used for the privacy policy link in the payment modal
privacyPolicyUrl?: string // default "/privacy"
// whether the link to the terms and conditions should be shown on the payment modal
showTermsAndConditions?: boolean // default true
// whether the link to the privacy policy should be shown on the payment moda
showPrivacyPolicy?: boolean // default false
// options for the cancel modal that opens when a user click on "Cancel subscription"
cancelSubscriptionOptions?: {
// whether the modal should be shown to the user
// or the subscription should be canceled directly
showModal?: boolean // default true
// the message that will be displayed when the modal is opened
cancelMessage?: string // default:
// "Are you sure you want to cancel your subscription?
// You will lose access the premium
// features provided by your current plan."
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