You will need to configure a webhook on Stripe to receive events when subscriptions are created, updated or deleted. You can add a webhook from the Stripe Dashboard here
This webhook will have to be listening for the following events:
This code example updates the user's subscription in firestore
It will delete the subscription if the user was delete from Stripe or add the subscription if it's a new one or simply update it if there was an existing one already in the database
import { firestore, admin } from"../utils/firebase"import stripe, { Stripe } from"../utils/stripe"import*as express from"express"constrouter=express.Router()"/", (req:any, res) => {let eventtry {// check stripe event signature event =stripe.webhooks.constructEvent(req.rawBody,req.headers["stripe-signature"],process.env.YOUR_WEBHOOK_SIGNING_SECRET// visible on the Stripe Dashboard (https: ) } catch (error) {reportError(error, { request: req, details:"stripe-signature check error" }, req)returnres.status(400).send({ error }) }if (!event ||!event.type ||! returnres.status(400).send({ event, error:"Missing data" })const {status, customer: stripeCustomerId, id: subscriptionId, trial_end: trialEnd, current_period_end: periodEnd, cancel_at_period_end: cancelAtPeriodEnd } { id: plan }> {if (customer.deleted) {// if customer is deleted, delete subscriptionreturn firestore.collection("users").where("subscription.stripeCustomerId","==", stripeCustomerId).get().then((querySnapshot) => {if (querySnapshot.empty) {throwError("user not found") }// get first matching[0]constuserId=matchingUser.idreturnfirestore.collection("users").doc(userId).set( { subscription: admin.firestore.FieldValue.delete() // delete subscription if customer is deleted
}, { merge:true } ) }).then( () => `The subscription's owner was deleted so the subscription has been removed from the user.`
) }// if customer is not deleted, update or add subscriptionreturn firestore.collection("users").where("email","==", (customer asStripe.Customer).email).get().then((querySnapshot) => {if (querySnapshot.empty) {throwError("user not found") }// get first matching[0]constuserId=matchingUser.idconstsubscription= { stripeCustomerId, id: subscriptionId, status, plan, trialEnd, periodEnd, cancelAtPeriodEnd }returnfirestore.collection("users").doc(userId).set( { subscription }, { merge:true } ) }).then(() =>`The subscription was updated in firebase.`) }).then((status) =>res.status(200).send({ status })).catch((error) => {console.error(`>> WEBHOOK ERROR: ${error}`)res.status(400).send({ event, error }) })})exportdefault router