Wrap your app
Import Billing.js CSS classes
The Billing.js imports already-styled React components for you to import into your app directly.
Those components are styled with Tailwind so you will need to import those classes.
/ index.tsx
- Root component of your react app
import React from "react"
import { render } from "react-dom"
import { BillingProvider } from "@billing-js/react-billing-js"
// ...
// /!\ import the billing.js styles
import "@billing-js/react-billing-js/styles.css"
// /!\ import the billing.js styles
// ...
Wrap with the context provider
Wrap your App with the <BillingProvider />
component to give it access to the Billing.js context.
/ index.tsx
- Root component of your react app
import React from "react"
import { render } from "react-dom"
import { BillingProvider } from "@billing-js/react-billing-js"
import YourApp from "./YourApp"
// /!\ import the billing.js styles /!\
import "@billing-js/react-billing-js/styles.css"
const ReactApp = (
// Wrap your app with the billing provider with your stripe account id
// [Required]
// Your stripe account id that you can find in the
// billing.js dashboard (https://billingjs.com)
// [Optional] default to false (test mode)
// switch between live and test mode
liveMode={process.env.ENVIRONMENT === "production"}
// [Optional]
// URL to redirect the user when they click
// on the "terms and conditions" link
termsAndConditionsUrl: "/terms",
// URL of the pricing page to redirect the user
// when they click on "Update subscription"
productPageUrl: "/pricing"
// [Optional]
// getEmailHmac is called when no user is signed in and:
// A. The user wants to access their customer portal
// B. The user wants to update their subscription
// C. A new user wants to start a new subscription
// This function has to return a JSON object containing the email address
// and the corresponding hmac ({ email, hmac }). This object can be returned
// from a Promise (like in the example below)
// If this function returns undefined or null, Billing will ask the user
// for their email address, send an email with a link to sign them in.
getEmailHmac={() =>
// to sign in as a demo you can simply directly
// return the following object:
** return { email: "demo@billingjs.com" }
// to sign in your user using SSO you need to return the email and hmac
// you can read how to setup SSO on your backend from
method: 'POST',
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
// you might need to add the access token or any other auth method
// in order to authenticate the user on your backend
"Authorization": "Bearer ..."
body: JSON.stringify({
email // the email address of the user you want to sign in
.then((res) => ({
// return the email address
email: res?.data?.email,
// and the corresponding HMAC signature fetched from your backend
hmac: res?.data?.hmac
// [Optional]
// called when the customer has signed in on Billing
onCustomerSignedIn={() => {}}
// [Optional]
// called when Billing has to sign out the user
// (ex: after transferring the account)
onCustomerSignedOut={() =>
window.open("/signOut", "_self")
// [Optional]
// called when an error occurred and was not handled
onError={(error: any) => {
if (
error.type === BillingErrorType.customer_not_found ||
error.type === BillingErrorType.stripe_account_not_found
window.open("/signOut", "_self")
<YourApp />
render(<ReactApp />, document.getElementById("root"))
Last updated
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